Sunday, March 18, 2012

Are you KIDDING me????

Just when I thought not much more could go wrong, it did. Almost to a point that makes me laugh about this shit.

Here's the timeline of the last 9.5 months. Last June, I got pregnant. It was ectopic. I went through the emotional nightmare of having to terminate that pregnancy. Our due date was March 17, 2012 - yesterday. Keep that date in mind. I always knew it would be tough, but never actually knew it could be worse than a missed due date.

Fast forward to January 2012. We do our first IVF cycle. BFN on February 20. Great.

Next month (as in this past cycle), we literally did not try. I was aware of my CM and other signs because I've been living that shit for 2 years, but there are no "we must have sex right now" conversations.Guess what. Yup, I get pregnant. I get a positive (very light) pee stick at night on March 15 and another (very light) in the morning on March 16.

Guess what happens next? On March 17, our fucking due date? You guessed it. I get a VERY negative pee test. Another god damned chemical pregnancy.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???? What next?!?!?!?!


  1. Just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say I'm so sorry :( There really is nothing fair about any of this and IF is so unbelievably ruthless. Is there a chance that maybe it was just a bad test??

    1. Nah, I had all the same signs of a chemical that I had before - cramping and spotting (sort of brownish / pink stringy stuff). And then my period didn't come for about another week. Blech.
