Sunday, October 28, 2012

Religious crap pisses me off

I have a friend. She has become rather (read: WAY TOO) religious over the past few years. It freaks me out a bit and it's hard to talk to her because just about every conversation includes god and religion in some way. I often feel like she's judging me for not being religious or that she's maybe even thinking that I'm not pregnant because I haven't yet found god.

Let me give you a little back ground. I was raised religious. I think religion is a fucking joke. And that organized religion is almost single-handedly responsible for most of the problems in the world. If I had one wish, I'd probably wish for religion to just GO. AWAY.

With that, I will tell you that it was all I could do not NOT EXPLODE when I got a friendly religious email from this friend. An email about my miscarriage and D&C. An email in which she sent me all this religious crap to help me through this. I wanted to throw my computer when I got her email. Instead, I sat on the email a little while before politely responding.

Let me make one thing clear: god doesn't give a shit about me and my infertility. God doesn't have a plan for me. As a single human being, I am inconsequential to any god you may believe in. I won't miraculously become knocked up if I find god. My medical problems won't all go away if I start taking myself to church on Sundays. So please, for the love of god, leave religion out of this (or at the very least, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF).

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that there are over six thousand religions in the world that profess to be Christian based today? But religion is NOT the pathway to gaining a complete and accurate understanding of the scriptures, it is instead something that has been perverted and twisted to suit those in power.
    For the last four years, I have spent my time researching and attending various denominational services. Some have a very literal view of the Bible, practicing or making a sincere effort to practice every word that was ever written. Some have an established set of complex rules and guidelines that we might find hard to follow. Others still are extremely dogmatic and preach that if you aren’t a member of their religion then you are not chosen by God and that you will suffer eternal destruction. How to we make sense of it all, and why do we have the infighting that we do all across the Christian spectrum today? The answer to that question is rather simple, because religion is NOT the Bible and the path to understanding the Bible does NOT reside in going to worship services. The Christian Church is in need of a major overall, and she has polluted many people and their minds with her false doctrines. I am so sorry you have had such a horrible experience with individuals who profess to be Christian, but rest assured the false doctrines that are taught at church and the bitterness and hate that they love to stir up do not exist within me. With that being said many people find it strange that I majored in theology with a minor in religious studies. For lack of a better word, I consider myself to be one of those genuine Christians working hard to fix a shattered system. May you have a great week...K
