I have a friend. She has become rather (read: WAY TOO) religious over the past few years. It freaks me out a bit and it's hard to talk to her because just about every conversation includes god and religion in some way. I often feel like she's judging me for not being religious or that she's maybe even thinking that I'm not pregnant because I haven't yet found god.
Let me give you a little back ground. I was raised religious. I think religion is a fucking joke. And that organized religion is almost single-handedly responsible for most of the problems in the world. If I had one wish, I'd probably wish for religion to just GO. AWAY.
With that, I will tell you that it was all I could do not NOT EXPLODE when I got a friendly religious email from this friend. An email about my miscarriage and D&C. An email in which she sent me all this religious crap to help me through this. I wanted to throw my computer when I got her email. Instead, I sat on the email a little while before politely responding.
Let me make one thing clear: god doesn't give a shit about me and my infertility. God doesn't have a plan for me. As a single human being, I am inconsequential to any god you may believe in. I won't miraculously become knocked up if I find god. My medical problems won't all go away if I start taking myself to church on Sundays. So please, for the love of god, leave religion out of this (or at the very least, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF).